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Code of Conduct

The United FC Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is our Club’s standards for players, teams, fans, and other affiliates (collectively, the “Participants”) of United FC Beacon (the “Club”). This Code applies to players as individuals or as a team, and the penalties may be applied to any individual, team, or other Participant(s). This Code becomes effective as soon as Participants arrive at any Club event and remains in effect until the Participants leave the event.


All Participants shall abide by the following Code:


1. United FC Beacon is a Community Club

  • Participants must be mindful of the fact that often there are children near the field at Memorial Park. Our Participants are supporters of and aim to be role models for youth soccer, and sports generally, in our City.

  • Foul Language is subject to in-game disciplinary action.


2. “Everybody’s Going to Work Tomorrow”

  • Aggressive play will not be tolerated. Any retaliation, escalation, unnecessary reckless or aggressive play is subject to suspension and disciplinary action.


3. Captains are responsible for their teams

  • Captains are expected to uphold this Code within their teams at all times.

  • If a Player is escalating or otherwise acting in conflict with this Code, the Captain should remove that player from the field for a brief cool down.

  • Failure to uphold the Code may result in team-level disciplinary action, up to and including reduction of League Points.


4. The Referee’s word is final.


5. The following actions are strictly forbidden and subject to disciplinary action:

  • Any derogatory, discriminatory or unwelcome comments based on or in reference to race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

  • Any physical or verbal sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unwanted, unacceptable, inappropriate or offensive behavior of a sexual nature that affects the dignity of another player and creates an intimidating, hostile, unstable or offensive play environment.

  • Lay hand upon, push, shove, strike or threaten an Referee, employee, Participant or spectator.

  • Endanger the safety of any Referee, employee, Participant or spectator.

  • Refuse to abide by an Referee's decision.

  • Demonstrate objectionable behavior or dissent at an Referee's decision by throwing equipment or any other forceful action.

  • Discuss with an Referee, in any manner, the decision reached by such Referee (exception is made for team captains).

  • Verbally or physically abuse any Referee for any decision or judgment.

  • Verbally or physically abuse any Participant.

  • Engage in overly physical play or use unnecessary rough tactics against another Participant.

  • Discuss publicly in a derogatory manner any play, decision, or personal opinion of other Participants.

  • Smoke at the facility.

  • Possess or consume alcohol at the facility.

  • Appear in an intoxicated condition at the facility.

  • Display a lack of respect or care for facilities.

  • Knowingly engage in illegal activities.

  • Play under another individual's name, falsified name, or falsified address on an Referee roster.

  • Promote any product or competing league to Referees, employees, Participants or spectators.

  • Purposely disregard the Club's league rules.



​​Violation of this Code shall include penalties, such as:


  • In-Game Cautions:

    • Yellow Card : Warning

    • Blue Card : Cool Down

      • The player who has been issued the Blue Card must leave the field of play for a minimum of 2 Minutes.

      • A substitution may be made to replace the player subject to the 2 Minute Cool Down.

      • The Referee may issue or withhold a Yellow Card at their sole discretion when issuing a Blue Card.

    • Red Card : Suspension

      • The player who has been issued a Red Card is immediately ejected from the game and must leave the field.

      • The player who has been issued a Red Card is subject to an additional 1 Game suspension.

      • A Red Card will be issued any time a player is issued two Yellow Cards in one match.


  • Personal Financial Liability for damage to property or persons related to actions in conflict with this Code or otherwise in conflict with the laws and spirit of the game.

  • Disqualification from being a Team Captain.

  • Suspension from Games without refund.

  • Suspension from League without refund.

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